Gunki Alvin Fly [5.6 g] spinnerbait 1-pack


The ALVIN is a compact mini spinnerbait designed to imitate a small fish. The prefect lure for precision casting to explore every centimetre of a swim. The lure flutters on the drop and works even on the slowest retrieves. Ultra-stable with a Colorado blade for maximum vibration without pulling too hard on the rod. Fitted with a feather skirt and an attractive teaser made from tinsel and other synthetic fibres giving the fish a target point when hitting the lure. More importantly the teaser helps keep the hook moving in the water so there is more chance of a hook up even if fish are just tentatively mouthing the bait. The ALVIN imitates perfectly summer prey fish targeting everything from big trout in strong flows to fishing in and around weedbeds. Weighted with a Bismth-Tin compound. Hook no.8.

Gunki Alvin Fly [5.6 g] spinnerbait 1-pack

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The ALVIN is a compact mini spinnerbait designed to imitate a small fish. The prefect lure for precision casting to explore every centimetre of a swim. The lure flutters on the drop and works even on the slowest retrieves. Ultra-stable with a Colorado blade for maximum vibration without pulling too hard on the rod. Fitted with a feather skirt and an attractive teaser made from tinsel and other synthetic fibres giving the fish a target point when hitting the lure. More importantly the teaser helps keep the hook moving in the water so there is more chance of a hook up even if fish are just tentatively mouthing the bait. The ALVIN imitates perfectly summer prey fish targeting everything from big trout in strong flows to fishing in and around weedbeds. Weighted with a Bismth-Tin compound. Hook no.8.

5.6 g
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Abborre, Öring
Typ av bete
Antal i förpackningen
1 st

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Krokstorleken benämns med en siffra. Desto högre siffra, desto mindre fiskekrok. Storlek 30 är en jätteliten krok, 4 är betydligt större. Står det en nolla efter, tex 2/0, är den ännu större. Desto högre siffra före nollan, desto större krok. Vi har ett sortiment från den mista kroken 30 till vår största 18/0.

Typ av vatten
0.2-0.8 m